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Lunch party


Media: Oil paint, canvas



Featuring the theme of a woman’s room, this piece presents a woman’s daily life. The room represents a person’s imagination of life and the world she favors. It is not only her comfort zone but also a space for facing her imaginative self. The colors, furniture, lighting, and other decorations symbolize a part of her personal image. With this piece, I present my life experiences, emotions, and view of value in a comprehensive way.

Lunch Party shows the room of a little girl as well as a gathering of women. It depicts a female-exclusive space. The picture is divided into an indoor part and an outdoor part. The outdoor part, the balcony, is used for socializing and leisure activities. A sense of extension and openness is created with the open doors. The visual focus is on the bottom half of the picture, and the top half contains a simplified space, creating a strong sense of extension.

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