Hunter of Tjavualji
Artist:高海蓮 Kao, Hai-Lien
媒材: 油彩
Media: Oil paint
When Taiwan was not yet fully developed, the economy was not prosperous. Indigenous people hunted for food in the mountains. As the economy started to develop, the hunting activities have gradually decreased. Nowadays, it is quite convenient to acquire food, so hunting has become rare.
My grandfather is an elder in the tribe Tjavualji in Taimali Township, Taitung County. Since I was young, I have been watching him go hunting in the mountains alone. It is an honor if one can hunt a huge animal, and my grandfather is quite a successful hunter. He is in his eighties now, but he still hunts in the mountains. He also teaches young tribespeople to make hunting gear. I truly admire him for holding fast to this traditional culture for 50 years.
As a member of the Austronesian peoples, I focus my art creations on preserving ethnic cultures with oil paintings. I hope that this painting can reach a wide audience and help preserve the nearly forgotten tradition.