Drifting Dreams
Artist:梁麗如 Liang, Li-Ju
媒材: 陶土、化妝土、花蓮泥沙、音效裝置
Media: Clay, slip, sand and mud in Hualien, and sound effect devices
I once lived in an abandoned coastal military pillbox in 2014. After I left there, I started a journey in search of my next city of delusion, and to hatch my dream of pillboxes in countless nights.
Drifting Dreams brings sturdy pillboxes into delusional daydreams. In the dreams, the pillboxes are suspended from above, swinging and falling down. They scatter from the top to the bottom, creating an image of uneasiness and fluctuation. Humans can only realize that everything tangible and colorful is just something delusional and temporary and achieve a calm state of mind when they reveal themselves and give up what they pursue.