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Mellow Golden Autumn


Media: Gold leaves, mineral paint, gouache, hemp paper with rock texture



優雅的純金箔封印住了歲月的光輝與悠長,深紅楓樹代表一年最豐美的時刻 ; 靜謐沉睡和悠閒覓食的小鹿,則是安居在大山包圍中的我們。近景使用的青葙、紫花藿香薊還有蘆葦叢,是我對花蓮的鄉愁。



I used to live in Hualien for six years. In my memory, Hualien has its own warmth and pace, which is tranquil and wonderful.

The elegant gold leaves seal the wonder and infinity of time. The dark red maple tree represents the most wonderful time of the year. The quietly sleeping deer and the deer leisurely searching for food symbolize us who reside peacefully in a mountain-surrounded area. The close-up plumed cockscombs, floss flowers, and reeds are my nostalgia for Hualien.

The extensive use of gold and red expresses the hope and expectation for an abundant life. The deer and Reishi mushrooms carry the meanings of longevity and auspiciousness. This painting shows my memory of and blessing for Hualien.

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