嚴紹恩,2002年出生,目前就讀國立政治大學法律學系碩士班。自高中時起便以攝影為主要創作媒材,攝影主題圍繞在影像與法律之間的相互關係,以及地景與歷史、文化的交織狀態。曾獲 New Wave攝影創作獎機構贊助獎、全國學生攝影比賽大專組優選、國立臺灣藝術大學藝美獎平面攝影類入選,並曾入選威尼斯雙年展會外展。
Born in 2002, Shao-En Yen is currently a master’s student at the Department of Law of the National Cheng Chi University. Since high school, he has started to create works with photography as the major medium. The themes of his photographs focus on the relationships between images and law and the interactions among land, its history, and culture. He is the winner of the Sponsorship Award at the New Wave Photography Award, the Merit Award at the National Student Photography Contest, and the Judges’ Selection in the photograph category at the Mediart Awards held by the National Taiwan University of Arts. He has also once been selected for the collateral events at the Venice Biennale.