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塵埃揚起的漣漪是土地擁抱的形狀The Shapes of Embrace from the Land


​Media: Red soil in Zhuoxi Township, soil around the hot springs in Ruisui Township, black soil in the estuary of the Xiuguluan River, green soil from the serpentinite in Wanrong Township, gray soil from the marble in Yuli Township, plain cotton fabric, iron net



The elder says, “If we lose something because of a natural disaster, we must have occupied the road of nature. Nature occasionally takes the roads it once walked on. We know this, but we no longer treat nature with care.” We have to rethink the way we treat the land we live on. After a disaster, a landscape may probably emerge like a wound, but it is also time for us to reflect upon the important issue of caring for and embracing the land.


Hualien is located on a unique geographical site with frequent earthquakes. Because of the intimidating natural disaster, Hualien possesses unique soil and minerals. Due to the differences in locations and environments, different areas produce different materials with different colors. I select soil from five areas according to the literature and oral history and extract the colors of the soil using the techniques in cloth dying. The cloth hence shows the beauty of Hualien’s soil which is unknown to people.

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