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Imperialism and the Diffusion model

媒材:  複合媒材

​      Mixed media




This work reinterprets the 1914 Truku War through photographs from the Taisho 3rd Year Taroko Savage Expedition Army Commemorative Album, taken and compiled by the Japanese military. Utilizing Photoshop's AI functions, I expanded the image boundaries and removed the foreign colonizers who dominated the visual center, attempting to eliminate the colonial gaze and create new imagery.

However, during the process, I noticed that the AI's generation and expansion seemed eerily similar to the colonial expansion of empires. It was as if the AI, with a semblance of its own consciousness, mimicked the biases of the colonizers, producing images that became metaphors for "seeing the tribal land but not the tribal people." The methods used to remove the visual center could not suppress the colonial gaze entirely.

To transform the colonial perspective embedded within the images, I decided to include a single-channel video of Sayon's Bell, a symbol of Japanization, in the exhibition space. Presented in a manner resembling a monument, this installation allows the colonial biases to confront each other, inviting viewers to reflect on the plight of Indigenous peoples under assimilation policies.

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