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Since its initiation in 1995, the Hualien Art Exhibition has had a history of a quarter century. It is held to encourage art creation, respond to the spirit of the time, and establish a close connection between arts, society, environment, and culture, seeking to broaden the horizon of art in Hualien.


The Exhibition this year encompasses four categories: Contemporary Art and Eastern Media, Western Media, and 3D Design of Classic Art. Similar to the scale last year, the Exhibition received 284 submissions from home and abroad this year. After the reviews and assessments, 26 art pieces were selected to be exhibited at the 2024 Hualien Art Exhibition. Multilayered aesthetic dialogues between contemporary and classic media and their possibilities are to be presented at the Exhibition.


The theme of the Exhibition this year is “Resonance—A Coincidental Dance.” Resonance, a dynamic action transcending the limits of time, space, and media, represents not only a momentary matching of thoughts but also in-depth questions and responses about the present era. Be it contemporary art or classic media, they both embody the spirit of posing questions, explorations, and innovations, and new energy and horizons can be developed during art creation.


“A Coincidental Dance” emphasizes the openness and flexibility of art creation. When Eastern and Western media, graphic and 3D media, and contemporary and classic media meet each other, the art pieces resonate and dance together. They not only transcend the limits of media but also make the audience feel the invisible but inspiring inner connections. The dialogues between various media during art creation demonstrate their respective aesthetic features and extend the boundary of the language of art. 

展覽英文主題「Mapping the Invisibility」探討「共振」如何超越媒材,延伸至人與人、環境、歷史與社會之間的深層連結,邀請觀者探索不同層面之間的隱形對話與內在聯繫。

The English theme of the Exhibition, “Mapping the Invisibility,” explores how “Resonance” can break the limits of media and exert its impact on the close connections between people, environment, history, and society. It is an invitation for the audience to the exploration of the invisible dialogues and inner connections between different perspectives.


▲  2024洄瀾獎作品


▲ 2024洄瀾美展開幕暨頒獎典禮合照


​The Hualien Art Exhibition this year continues to welcome entries from abroad. In addition to Taiwanese participants, the Exhibition has attracted artists from the UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Russia, the USA, China, and France, with a total of 284 entries received.


Building on the format last year, the Exhibition this year features two main categories—Contemporary Art and Classic Media—with the latter further divided into three categories: Eastern Media, Western Media, and 3D Design, providing the artists with a diverse platform to showcase their works and compete.
After thorough reviews and assessments, 26 entries have been selected for the Exhibition:

當代藝術創作類  Contemporary Art


Bountiful Grain by Chia Hsin Yu, Imperialism and the Diffusion Model by Shao-En Yen, rain. rain by Kian Sam Yong, Depth Recovery by Chao-Tung Chen, Black No. 1 by Shuxu Lin, and The Shapes of Embrace from the Land by Paqeriras Kazangiljan.

經典媒材創作類  Classic Art

東方媒材組 Eastern Media


The Sun Rising From the East, the Waves Crashes Against the Rocks by Germain Canon, There Is No Limit to Different Dimensions by Jin-Fang Lin, Morning Light Under the Banyan Tree by Hsing-Lung Kang, Yang Mu, Take You Back to Hualien by Chang Chia-Jung, Imagery of Hualien by Feng-Ming Chang, Metaverse Landscape No. 23 – Sakatang Nostalgia by Cheng-Fu Liu, Mellow Golden Autumn by Yi-Chun Liu, and Untitled  by Yu-Chieh Hsiao.

西方媒材組 Western Media


Lunch Party by Yi-Jie Chou, Serenity in Fate by Kuan-Ming Lin, The Sound of Land by Fernando Miao, Hunter of Tjavualji by Hai-Lien Kao, Unsung Hero by Hsing-Hsi Chang, and The Lonely Island  by Tzu-Hsiang Su.

立體造型組 3D Design


Memory of Big City by Chao-Tzu Fang, Roaming the Underground by Yann Lyn Lin,  Drifting Dreams by Li-Ju Liang,
I Guide You to Follow by Chu-Hsiu Yeh, The Bouquet of Love by Chien Shan Liao, and Fly by Light by Chien Chang Su.

入圍作品 Shortlist

入圍者 Nominees

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